The territorial educational project (PEDT)

An educational tool at the service of territories

mars 2013

The territorial educational project (PEDT) formalises an approach that enables local authorities to offer each child a coherent and quality educational pathway before, during and after school, thus organising the complementarity of educational time, while respecting the competences of each. This project is the result of a partnership approach, at the initiative of the competent local authority, with the State services concerned and all the local educational players. On the occasion of the new organisation of school time which is being introduced in primary schools from the start of the 2013 school year, this approach should encourage the development of a new range of extracurricular activities, or even extracurricular activities, or enable the existing range of activities to be made more coherent, in the interests of the child.

À télécharger : pedt_fiches_pratiques.pdf (1,1 Mio), 2013_projeteducatifterritorial_245502.pdf (210 Kio)

It is a framework that enables all the educational players to coordinate their actions in such a way as to best respect the rhythms, needs and aspirations of each child. Indeed, the diversity of actors and educational situations multiplies the possibilities for children to blossom by acquiring different knowledge, skills and attitudes. It is a factor in the attractiveness of the territory and contributes to the retention and settlement of families in the area

The PEDT, by ensuring, particularly on Wednesdays, an offer of extracurricular activities in continuity and complementarity with the school, facilitates family organisation. With the presence of a school, the existence of a quality extracurricular activity offer within the framework of a PEDT is a factor favourable to families settling or staying in the commune.

It gives entitlement to state funding

The payment of the fund to support the development of extracurricular activities is conditional on the conclusion of a PEDT and reserved for municipalities that have retained an organisation of school time comprising 5 mornings.

It allows for regulatory flexibility

Communities that have signed a PEDT and declared at least one extracurricular leisure activity may make use of the following exemptions

It encourages the involvement of families in their children’s educational pathway

The PEDT gives a new place to families and their representatives, particularly in the steering committee. It also makes provision for the information, participation and involvement of families, depending on the activities organised. Parents with specific skills can also be mobilised to take part in extracurricular activities (e.g. craftsmen, farmers, gardeners, artists, volunteer firemen, etc.).

It boosts the cultural, sporting and civic life of the territory

In areas where there is a network of associations, the PEDT revitalises and boosts the life of associations. Volunteers from associations and, where appropriate, salaried employees, can be mobilised to take part in school and/or extra-curricular activities. Furthermore, the PEDT encourages the opening up of associations to the world of education and the development of collective projects involving several associations enables the development of links between them.

In areas with few or no associations, local authorities can call on departmental organisations and resource persons such as the ‘associative life’ referent of the SDJES, departmental support groups (GAD), the collective of associations that complement the school (CAPE) and the services of the departmental council.

It facilitates the taking into account of differences and, in particular, the inclusion of children with disabilities

The PEDT promotes the inclusion of all children during school and extracurricular time. It can be an opportunity to set up activities to raise children’s awareness of disability, in particular through play and sports activities.

To facilitate the inclusion of children with disabilities in leisure time activities, organised in particular within the framework of a PEDT, the Caisse nationale des allocations familiales (CNAF) allocates specific funds. These funds provide financial support to childcare managers to strengthen the leadership function and to support project management actions. In support of local authorities, the Ministry of National Education and Youth also asks its departments to facilitate the employment of assistants for pupils with disabilities (AESH) when the accessibility of extracurricular activities requires a stronger presence.

It promotes the development of leisure activities for all and contributes to the sharing of common values

The PEDT initiates a collective approach in favour of the mix of publics which allows all participants to learn about solidarity in respect of diversity and differences.

The PEDT allows for the implementation of participatory activities that encourage the involvement of children in order to build spaces conducive to exchange and « living together ». These activities thus aim to acquire the experience of meeting, cultural openness and diversity in order to bring democratic practices and citizenship to life and share them.

It promotes the development of employment and training in the entertainment and sports sectors

The PEDT, by reinforcing the offer of extracurricular activities, creates a need for personnel, particularly qualified activity leaders and sports educators. In addition to the mobilisation of municipal staff such as ATSEMs, local authorities can call upon external contributors on an ad hoc basis or entrust an association with the organisation of activities and/or the recruitment of the necessary activity leaders and sports educators. Often, these approaches result in the development of ongoing training (CNFPT, SDJES, popular education associations), voluntary training (BAFA/BAFD) or professional training (BPJEPS/DEJEPS), as well as the recruitment of supervisors.

The State strongly supports these efforts for the employment and training of sports instructors and educators: support fund for the development of extracurricular activities, Sesame towards employment for sport and animation in the management professions, future employment, apprenticeship contract, professionalization contract. The CNAF, with the specific aid for educational rhythms (ASRE), individual aid for young people to obtain the BAFA, also contributes to this.

It encourages cooperation between communes

Rural communities that are faced with a lack of premises, equipment or qualified activity leaders can find solutions through cooperation between communities. Through its partnership dimension, the PEDT makes it possible, within the framework of an inter-communal educational grouping (RPI) or other inter-communal collaboration, to pool resources. More than a third of the PEDTs are thus concluded within the framework of a public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation (EPCI).


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Documents to consult (pdf attached)

  • circular n° 2013-036 of 20 March 2013 entitled PROJET EDUCATIF TERRITORIAL