Example of a transitional urban planning initiative with the Usine des transitions
Practical notebook 16: (Re)developing productive activities in metropolitan areas
Thierry Petit, novembre 2024
The Est Ensemble area is the scene of urban intensification linked to development and urban renewal projects, punctuated by land acquisitions, demolition, decontamination and redevelopment projects. In this interval of time and space, Est Ensemble has sought, through its TempO’ scheme, to encourage the expression of original and meaningful initiatives. This means that places are not left derelict, and that local residents and visitors have a place to meet, discover and discuss the future of the district.
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In 2016, the Établissement public territorial Est Ensemble launched the TempO’ operation. Starting from the premise that development is a lengthy process, the TempO’ scheme aims to take advantage of a large pool of brownfield sites and entrust them temporarily to voluntary organisations to carry out innovative projects with a social impact: urban agriculture, cultural events, alternative work spaces, etc. Calls for expressions of interest have been launched for all 12 brownfield sites. Since the scheme was launched, 35 sites have benefited from a development project, the duration of which varies depending on the project.

The Usine des Transitions is one of these projects, offering its site to industrial players in the transition process. Situated between Romainville and Noisy-le-Sec, in an enclosed triangle bounded by the former RN3 to the north, the RD40 to the east and an imposing 15-track railway line to the south, the Usine des transitions aims to become a centre for environmental transition, the circular economy and the social economy. Situated on a 2.5-hectare site with built-up areas of over 12,000 square metres, the site is partially derelict after having been the historic headquarters, between 1919 and 2000, of Société des accumulateurs fixes et de traction (Saft), specialising in industrial batteries. Located within the perimeter of two separate concerted development zones, managed by Sequano and awaiting development projects, it was finally purchased in 2021 by Epfif, after having been the property of a developer who rented out the space to companies. At present, 30% of the site’s 12,200 square metres of business space, 3,000 of which is unusable, is occupied, mainly by construction and wholesale companies. The remaining 70% is vacant. EPT Est Ensemble’s initial objective is to develop temporary occupation for the period 2022-2025.
The aim is to retain existing businesses by offering them precarious occupancy agreements when their commercial leases expire, at prices 30% below market rates. In this way, these companies contribute to the financing of the project and help to keep the site lively, reducing the risk of illegal occupation. A guard service has been set up to protect the site from any intruders. The site will benefit from improved accessibility with the arrival of the metro (extension of line 11 in 2024) and tramway (T1 extension), and even direct access to the RN3. The activities highlighted by the project focus in particular on the circular economy, renewable energies, eco-construction and soft urban logistics, with a social dimension. The local players want to give themselves three years to consider their project and decide on the future of the buildings, some of which have heritage value, while maintaining the site’s productive vocation and developing industrial property at a later date. This explains the decision to propose a temporary form of occupation, with a prefigurative vocation wherever possible. To achieve this, they are relying on observation of the practices and uses of current and future occupants. A call for tenders was therefore launched in 2022, with the main selection criteria being the social and environmental impact and the local roots of the future occupants. To date, 18 structures have been set up on the site.
Sequano, manager of the ZACs on the site. Epfif, owner of the land. EPT Est Ensemble, which issued the call for projects as part of its TempO’ policy to experiment with new uses for occupied or derelict sites.
Success factors and points to watch out for
A strategy for temporary occupation on the scale of the Est Ensemble EPT wasteland. A thematic project for the site, which gives good visibility to project sponsors. Some premises require major refurbishment work to bring them up to standard, at the expense of the tenants. A direct access ramp to the site from the RN3 would be useful, but is still being planned.