A massive effort to improve housing renovation
Anah’s 2024 report
janvier 2025
The Agence nationale de l’habitat is at the heart of social and environmental issues. Its mission is to improve the existing stock of private housing. To achieve this, it distributes financial assistance to homeowners for home improvements and supports local authorities in implementing their housing policies. The results of the 2024 figures show that the Agency’s schemes are making it possible to renovate much more effectively, thanks to better support for households in ambitious projects.
À télécharger : anah_2024.pdf (4,5 Mio)

With €3.77 billion, the State has devoted unprecedented resources to this public policy which, more than ever, helps to support economic activity and local jobs, while contributing to the fight against global warming, demographic transition and social and territorial cohesion.
The reform of subsidies carried out in 2024 is bearing fruit, enabling more private housing stock to be renovated.
Launched in 2024, MaPrimeAdapt’ has met with great success in its first year, enabling households to carry out work to adapt to loss of autonomy earlier and to choose more substantial work projects: 37,069 homes have been adapted (+41% compared with previous schemes).
Work on condominiums continues to grow, driven by the completion of major projects under the condominium initiative plan and a significant acceleration in energy renovations: 37,791 homes were renovated using MaPrimeRénov’ condominiums (+25%).
After a period of familiarisation with the new features of MaPrimeRénov’ by households and professionals in the first half of the year, large-scale renovation is now really taking off, accelerating France’s efforts to promote the energy transition in the private sector: 91,374 large-scale renovations have been undertaken (+27%) and 2,494,727 renovations have been carried out, for a total amount of €3.29 billion.
Quality renovation projects, thanks to the support of the public home renovation service
Major energy renovation projects are expensive and time-consuming. You need the right support if you are to embark on the process with confidence, both technically and financially.
The MaPrimeRénov‘ supported programme makes it easier to take the plunge and embark on ambitious projects, thanks to the systematic support of Rénov’ Accompagnateurs and substantial financial assistance (on average, a major renovation costs €5,565 and receives €36,271 in government aid).
These major renovations significantly improve the comfort and energy efficiency of the home over the long term (an average energy saving of 65%). Two years after renovating their home, 72% of MaPrimeRénov’ recipients say that they have seen a reduction in their energy consumption, and 86% say that the comfort of their home has improved.
A renovation effort at the heart of the regions, which primarily benefits those who need it most and actively contributes to supporting economic activity.
To support local authorities in their local housing policies, Anah has funded local engineering to the tune of €116 million. This has resulted in a very sharp increase in housing subsidies, the distribution of which is managed locally to meet local needs.
In total, more than €3.77 billion was distributed (+21%), the vast majority of which went to households on low or very low incomes (73% of recipients). The total amount of work generated by the various Anah grants was €7.34 billion.