Tomorrow my territory 04 Saving energy in my territory

Energy savings

novembre 2019

Agence pour l’Environnement et la Maîtrise de l’Energie (ADEME)

The 20 factsheets in the collection « demain MON TERRITOIRE » have been designed to give candidates and elected officials practical keys to take action, to open up the field of possibilities based on the experiences of other elected officials, from small towns to conurbations, large urban areas or sparsely populated areas. In the four corners of France, both in metropolitan France and in the French Overseas Territories, many of them are taking action, together with the players in their territories, to prepare for the future by taking action to mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects. With its knowledge and presence throughout the country, ADEME supports them with its tools, activities and financial aid.

Why is it important to reduce the energy consumed in my territory?

Town halls, schools, sports centres… all public buildings are big energy consumers. Heating and hot water in buildings are by far the main sources of consumption in the area. Lighting, too, if it is outdated, is a very energy-intensive item. All this represents a significant cost for the municipalities. And this also contributes to global warming through greenhouse gas emissions. Local authorities must take action to control the energy consumption of their assets. To reduce their energy bills. To act in favour of the climate. And to show the way to citizens and economic players who must also be mobilized to make the ecological transition a success.

How do you do it?


En savoir plus


Cit’ergie is a management and labelling programme that rewards local authorities for the implementation of an ambitious climate-air-energy policy.