The Kenyan Federation of Slum Dwellers International project in Kenya

Kambi Moto

Interview with Joseph MUTURI, edited by Bea VARNAI, November 2015


Kambi Moto is a project of the Kenyan Federation of Slum Dwellers International. It aims to ensure security of tenure and access to services for the residents of an informal settlement who, as a community, are rebuilding their homes in stages and in situ.

The project has involved 270 households and 142 units since 2003.

To download : 06-experience_kambi_moto-2.pdf (160 KiB)

Project Location
urbaMonde, Alice Lathoud, November 2015

To go further

  • BOWLER Caitlin & DESROCHER Paul (2005), «  Case Study : Huruma Slum upgrading project  », Nairobi, Kenya.

  • Site du Shack / Slum Dwellers International (SDI), un réseau d’organisations communautaires de pauvres urbains dans 33 pays et des centaines de villes en Afrique, en Asie et en Amérique latine.

  • Site du projet Kambi Moto  : Un cas unique de projet d’amélioration de l’habitat insitu