The National Association of Territorial Poles and Countries
Association Nationale des Pôles territoriaux et des Pays (ANPP - Territoires de projet)
Created in 1997 by a number of pilot countries, the priority objective of ANPP - Territoires de projet (before APFP, then ANPP) is to support the national expression of the countries, based on the feedback of local priorities and practices. The status of Pays was introduced by the Pasqua law in 1995, and generalised by the LOADDT in 1999, in order to recognise and formalise the public structures behind local development initiatives. This law defines the Pays as territories with « geographical, economic, cultural or social cohesion, on the scale of a catchment area or employment area ». ANPP was set up to structure the network, advocating the values specific to Project Territories: territorial strategy, local consultation, pooling, shared governance, innovation and experimentation, with a central theme of public territorial project engineering.
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The ANPP, Federation of Territorial Poles and Countries

The ANPP, Fédération des Pôles territoriaux et de Pays The Pays (and the future Pôle territorial) is an area characterised by geographical, economic, cultural and/or social cohesion. It is a framework for cooperation between inter-municipalities. The relevance of the Pays / Pôle territorial perimeter is assessed in relation to the socio-economic concept of the employment area. The Pays / Pôle territorial is intended to cover an area of mutual solidarity between rural and urban areas. In addition, this type of territory encourages consultation and coordination, encourages cross-functionality and contractualisation, and affirms the principles of shared long-term strategy (via their charter) and sustainable development. Compared with other local cooperation frameworks, the Pays / Pôle territorial offers added value through its flexibility. It focuses on cross-cutting territorial issues, based on a forward-looking, shared strategy. The Pays / Pôle territorial is by definition a project area, which means that it is an area for coordination rather than management. Its role is to federate, coordinate and promote cooperation between the various local players (municipalities, inter-municipal public bodies with their own tax status, regional nature parks, departmental councils, regional councils, socio-economic players, etc.). Using a bottom-up approach, it encourages the emergence of local projects that meet the expectations of local stakeholders and the challenges facing the area. Lastly, the Development Council, a specific feature of the Pays, confirmed by the Loi de Modernisation de l’Action Publique Territoriale et d’Affirmation des Métropoles (MAPTAM) with the Pôles territoriaux, brings together local stakeholders. It is called upon to make strategic decisions for the region. The Pays, and the future Pôle territorial, is based on a territorial contract signed with other public partners, mainly the Region, but also the State, the Département and Europe. It is generally responsible for five areas: services to the population, including health, ICTs, spatial planning, economic development and sustainable development. It is also responsible for employment/training, transport and housing. In 2013, there were 365 Pays, covering 84% of the country and covering just over half of the French population. All regional councils are involved in the Pays et Pôles territoriaux policy, via their « Spatial planning » policy (with the exception of IDF and the overseas departments and territories).
The ANPP: missions
The National Association of Territorial Poles and Countries brings together a growing number of countries and relies on their involvement in various types of work (working groups, thematic meetings, surveys, etc.). It benefits from a partnership with a large number of Regions, contractual partners of the Pays, with the DATAR and the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations. In this way, the ANPP leads the network of Pays, Pôles territoriaux and Conseils de développement, of which it is the Federation. The ANPP carries out a threefold federating mission: Exchanges of experience and good practice The ANPP relies on the involvement of a large number of Pays and future Territorial Clusters that it supports, taking part in working and exchange meetings, responding to its surveys, as well as on the mobilisation of Regional Councils. It encourages the networking of Pays and exchanges between them, and promotes good practice. It listens to them on an ongoing basis, with the aim of coordinating the network of local development players. Support mission: Technical support The ANPP supports the Pays, Pôles territoriaux, Territoires de projets and Conseils de développement in the implementation of their missions: organisation of working, information and exchange meetings, calling on external experts and representatives of the departments concerned as required (methodological advice, presentation of experiences, etc.) on topical issues. It is constantly on the lookout for new developments and produces news and information notes. Representation: Interlocutor with the public authorities The ANPP listens to the needs of the Pays, Pôles territoriaux, Territoires de projets and their Development Councils. It encourages the exchange of information with DATAR, the ministries and institutions concerned, the Regional Councils and the General Councils. It works to promote and pursue the missions of the Territories and defends their interests with the Government and elected representatives.
The ANPP: projects
Over the last few years, the APFP, which has now become the ANPP, has, in order to meet expectations on the ground, contributed to the preparation of the contractualisation framework (CPER), participated in studies and made contributions on the territorial strand of these CPERs, on the financing of engineering, on the linkage of a programme such as Leader with the Pays. She has done a great deal of work to promote the theme of services to the population and health in regional projects. More recently, she has been looking in greater depth at the question of the links between Pays / Pôles territoriaux / intercommunalités and Pays / Schémas de Cohérence territoriale (SCoT). These various aspects represent very important issues for the Countries/Centres and are projects on which the ANPP is committed over the long term. Its work focuses on the following themes:
1) Countries, environment and spatial planning, within the framework of the ANPP / DATAR Convention: SCoT, Agenda 21, transport and mobility…
2) Countries and rationalisation of structures, within the framework of the RCT law and the MAPTAM law
3) Countries and participation of economic players, within the framework of the ANPP / CDC Convention and on the basis of a quantitative survey which identified the involvement of company managers participating in the work of the Country Development Councils (future Poles)
4) Countries and services to the population We also follow many other themes: European programmes The ANPP (APFP) is monitoring the Leader 2007-2013 European programme, in conjunction with the LEADER France association.
Above all, it is participating in the work of the future European territorial cohesion policy (2014-2020). Participation in the work of the French Rural Network The ANPP has been involved in the French Rural Network from the outset, sitting on the Standing Committee and playing an active part in the work of the « Land management » and « Welcoming new populations » groups, as well as the « Services to the population » and « Entrepreneurship in rural areas » working groups. She sits on the standing committee of the French Rural Network. Monitoring the reform of local authorities / Act III of Decentralisation The ANPP, whose mission is to promote the consideration / added value of the Countries / Poles / to highlight what the Federation does to respond to missions / hearings / requests / work to teach / inform / specify the added value of the Countries / Poles. Countries and international cooperation Cooperation (transnational and interregional), an in-depth theme, in particular with Leader France and the Association des Pactes Locaux, will be a highly developed theme with our « Club LEADER » working group. Agendas 21 and sustainable development The ANPP sits on the national committee for the recognition of Agendas 21 and monitors actions in the field of sustainable development (Grenelle de l’Environnement and Energy Transition).