Energy Cities proposition 04 - Co-create a long-term vision to shape all policies

Empowering local players


Energy Cities

Energy Cities is a network of more than 1,000 cities in 30 different countries. Convinced that energy transition is more than a question of renewable energy or advanced technologies, Energy Cities proposes to use resources in a reasoned way, to strengthen local participation and to improve the quality of life in a democratic Europe. In 2014, the network presents 30 proposals for the Energy Transition of Territories.

They are a source of inspiration to think and act differently. To finally turn the page on unsustainable practices that lead us into energy, climate and perhaps economic and social dead ends.

To download : cahier_short_jan2014_en.pdf (6.8 MiB)

Energy Cities proposition 04 - Co-create a long-term vision to shape all policies

The problem at hand

The energy and climate challenges force us to think about our society in the long term. The European Commission’s Energy Roadmap 2050 provides scenarios that encourage us to carry out similar exercises at the local level and to engage in the energy transition. In an unpredictable world, cities and towns need more than ever to develop a shared vision of their future, a sustainable and desirable future that makes sense and brings hope.

Our world, however, is dominated by the short term. How can we consider long-term issues when the media has a timeframe of one day and the markets of just one hour? What would be the use of public policies if they had to adopt such time constraints?

We must turn our back on predictions that are just a continuation of the past and on marginal improvements with no effect on our trajectory. Linking the short, medium and long terms is a necessity.


Co-build a long-term vision of the low energy city with a high quality of life for all. Gear local authority sectoral policies towards this objective.

A vision expresses aspirations and hopes. An energy transition-oriented vision includes energy use and emission reduction objectives. Carrying out this territorial energy foresight exercise will help local players overcome their ideological antagonisms and diverging interests.

Conditions for success


To go further